Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Presiden Lebanon: Israel Jangan Coba-Coba Ganggu Minyak Kami

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEIRUT -- Presiden Lebanon, Michel Suleiman, memperingatkan Israel untuk tidak melanggar hak-hak minyak bumi Lebanon. Karena, hal tersebut akan memicu peperangan.

Suleiman menyerukan entitas Zionis tidak mengambil tindakan apapun mengenai eksplorasi minyak di Mediterania timur. Tindakan tersebut jelas mengganggu kepentingan Lebanon.

"Setiap pelanggaran hak-hak minyak bumi kami akan mengarah pada perang," kata Suleiman seperti dikutip Press TV. "Kami tidak pernah menyerang Israel, tapi mereka selalu menyerang kami. Yang terakhir adalah pelanggaran terhadap zona ekonomi eksklusif kami.''

Suleiman mengatakan Lebanon kini memiliki sebuah periode stabilitas meskipun terjadi kerusuhan di wilayahnya. Dia melontarkan kecamannya terhadap Israel saat melakukan kunjungan kenegaraan ke Republik Cheska. Suleiman bertemu dengan Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Cheska, Karel Schwarzenberg, pekan lalu.

AS -Israel Bahas Rencana Perang ke Iran, 5 Maret

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TEHERAN -- Para pejabat senior Amerika Serikat (AS) dan rezim Israel akan mengadakan pertemuan untuk membahas cara menyerang Iran. Pertemuan itu akan dihadiri oleh Perdana Menteri Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu dan Presiden AS, Barack Obama di Washington pada 5 Maret mendatang.

"Mereka ingin merencanakan langkah ke depan untuk menyerang Iran dan menyatakan bahwa bangsa Iran tidak memiliki hak untuk memiliki program energi nuklir. Meskipun, jelas bahwa program energi nuklir di Iran adalah penggunaan atom energi untuk tujuan damai, "kata Ralph Schoenman, Minggu (4/3).

"Saya pikir apa, baik AS maupun Israel akan membahas bagaimana mereka dapat melakukannya bersama-sama, tentang destabilisasi Iran dan pembongkaran kedaulatan nasional dan integritas nasionalnya. Itulah salah satu agendanya," tambahnya.

Schoenman berpendapat bahwa Washington memiliki sebuah pemikiran ideologis untuk luar negeri, seperti yang terjadi dalam perang pimpinan AS di Afghanistan dan Irak, dan sekarang para pejabat AS berusaha untuk mengeksplorasi kesempatan untuk mengintensifkan perang dan ancaman mereka ke kedaulatan Iran.

Untuk itu, para analis politik meminta semua hak asasi manusia dan pendukung demokrasi untuk menentang intervensi perang yang akan dilakukan oleh AS dan rezim Israel.

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Is Mortgage Refinancing Right For You?

Is Mortgage Refinancing Right For You? By Simon Volkov At Isnare.com Ezine Articles


Mortgage refinancing can be beneficial to borrowers who need to reduce monthly loan installments or want to take advantage of reduced interest rates. It can also offer a solution to those in preforeclosure; meaning banks have not taken legal action to repossess the property.

A second type of mortgage refinancing is that of cash back mortgages. This option allows borrowers to obtain lump sum cash using accrued home equity. Since home loans are assessed with a lower rate of interest than other types of loans, entering into a cash back mortgage might be a smarter option when funds are required for large purchases.

Refinancing requires mortgagors to apply for a new home loan. Proceeds from the new loan are used to pay off the previous loan. Borrowers must possess sufficient credit scores and payment history to qualify for financing. Those with bad credit, mortgage arrears, or high debt-to-income ratios typically will not qualify.

Many homeowners refinance through their current lender. However, it is always smart to shop around and compare lender rates. It is also smart to review current loan documents to determine if prepayment penalties exist.

Many banks include a prepayment clause within the 'Truth in Lending' section. In many cases, prepayment penalties are assessed during the first 5 years. Others reduce penalties annually throughout the duration of the loan.

Borrowers often fail to read loan contracts and are shocked to discover they are penalized for early payoff. Mortgagors holding two or more mortgages can take a hard financial hit when refinancing.

Mortgage lenders typically assess closing costs for refinanced loans. Fees can be as much as 6-percent of the outstanding principal and interest. Common refinance fees include: loan application, loan origination, title search, land survey, property inspections and appraisals, and legal expenses. Cost to refinance a $200,000 mortgage could hover around $12,000.

One source for borrowers facing foreclosure is Making Home Affordable. This government-sponsored program offers solutions to those struggling to meet mortgage obligations under Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP).

HARP eligibility requirements are provided at MakingHomeAffordable.gov, but may vary by lender. The program is offered to borrowers with Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loans who are current with loan installments and have not been more than 30 days late with payments within the previous 12 months.

Borrowers can apply for HARP mortgage refinance as long as the outstanding balance of their current mortgage does not exceed 125-percent of current market value and they have the financial ability to comply with new payments.

Another credible source for borrowers in need of mortgage assistance is the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD provides complimentary housing counseling to those facing foreclosure; in need of loan modification; or assistance with refinancing home loans.

HUDs website includes an entire section dedicated to mortgage refinance. Visitors can download lender comparison guides and financial worksheets; locate local housing counselors; and learn about all available programs at HUD.gov.

Mortgage refinance can be a good option as long as borrowers conduct due diligence and carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of taking out a new home loan. Borrowers should only engage this option if doing so makes smart financial sense.

For most people, their home is the most valuable asset owned. Borrowers should pursue all available options to protect it. Making poor financial decisions or engaging in wasteful spending can quickly place real estate at risk for foreclosure. Take time to assess the risks and rewards of mortgage refinancing before entering into a new contract.

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